Latest Past Events

Medical and Mental Health Interpreter Training

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill

Together the UNC Refugee and Mental Health and Wellness Initiative and the Jordan Institute for Families will be hosting an upcoming continuing education training opportunity for local interpreters on medical and mental health interpretation. The training will have a special focus on applying the interpreter code of ethics in everyday situations. This event is being […]

The Opioid Crisis in North Carolina

The Opioid Crisis in North Carolina Treatment and Policy: Past, Present and Future Directions This workshop will educate students, clinicians, community and academic partners about developments in policy and practice designed to mitigate the effects of opioid misuse and addiction. The speakers will give an update overview on the state of the Opioid Crises in […]

Earned Income Tax Credit and Poverty Reduction in NC

Please join us on January 31st - National EITC Day - for a free webinar offered by the NC Budget and Tax Center. Participants will learn about how the tax credit works, the reasons it is important to family economic security, health and community well-being, and the state and national context and practices around the […]
