The Jordan Institute for Families
The UNC School of Social Work
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics stipulates that one of the ethical principles that must guide social workers is to challenge social injustice. During this event, social workers across elds will share where and how they notice and perpetuate systemic racism and how they work to disrupt it.While this event is highlighting social work, EVERYONE IS WELCOME to attend and participate. We all have a role in dismantling racism.
Register here:
Derrik Anderson, MSW – Executive Director, Race Matters for Juvenile Justice
Alan Dettla , MSW, PhD – Dean, University of Houston Graduate College of School of Social Work, lead, UpEND movement
Jackie Jencks, MSW – Executive Director, Interfaith Council (IFC)
Bonita Joyce, MSW – School Social Worker
Lia Kaz, MSW – Restorative Practices Associate, Dispute Settlement Center
Rebecca Swoord, MSW – Prevention Coordinator, North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV)