The Jordan Institute for Families
The UNC School of Social Work
With the continued incidents of police brutality and murder of Black people in this country, there have been increased calls to defund the police and turn to community options. Join us for an important webinar on Tuesday June 30th at 1:30 to learn more about the history of policing in the United States and local organizing efforts towards reforming, defunding, or abolishing police forces. Panelists will include Seth Kotch, Associate Professor in the Department of American Studies and author of Lethal State, Maya Hart, a recent graduate from the UNC School of Social Work and organizer with Black Youth Project 100, James Williams of the Orange County Bias Free Policing Coalition and Chair of the Task Force on Racial and Ethnic Bias in the Criminal Justice System, and Danielle Purifoy of the Durham Beyond Policing Coalition.
This event is sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Jordan Institute for Families at the UNC School of Social Work.
The webinar will be held on Zoom. Register here to receive the link to join.