The Jordan Institute for Families
The UNC School of Social Work
Carolina Social Workers in Action for Voting (C-SWAV), in partnership with VotER, is hosting a non-partisan text bank session on Wednesday, October 28 from 8:00 – 9:00 PM EST. With less than two weeks left before the election, we believe it is important for social workers and our colleagues to make an impact and help others to make a plan to vote safely. Text banking involves reaching out to your formal and informal networks via text messaging. It is a fun, easy way for our students, faculty and staff to be together in community and help others engage in the upcoming election. The social anxiety that some feel when phone banking is removed as communication occurs via text message.
At the beginning of the session, VotER will guide us with pre-written texts to help you reach your networks both in and out-of-state. Pre-written text messages will include information about safely voting; they will NOT include information about WHO to vote for. This is a fun, easy way for our students, faculty and staff to participate together in voter engagement. We hope that you will participate in this event, invite your friends and RSVP here. Questions? Email Rebecca Brigham.