The Jordan Institute for Families
The UNC School of Social Work
The speaker for this event is Jennifer Plumb Vilardaga, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke and Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence-based approach that encourages 1) increased awareness of avoidance patterns that paradoxically exacerbate, rather than reduce, suffering, 2) practicing openness to personal experiences (thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and memories) as they occur in the here and now, and 3) focusing energy on doing what matters in line with personal values. Using acceptance and mindfulness-based processes, commitment, and behavior change processes, clients practice authoring their own personal life values, and pursuing these values even when they are experiencing difficult or uncomfortable experiences. Clients are encouraged to take small and then increasingly larger steps toward valued living, which provides numerous opportunities for practicing moment-by-moment self-compassion and openness to psychological pain that may arise along the way. In this workshop, Jennifer Plumb-Vilardaga will provide an overview of ACT, with an emphasis on using values and meaning to guide work with clients towards vitality.
Pre-registration required
Light refreshments and sign-in begin at 11:30
Free to current UNC School of Social Work Students, faculty, staff, field instructors & task supervisors