We are seeking funding to launch and sustain this mother-led information hub and movement to advance postpartum health in the U.S. For mothers and the people who love them, this is an opportunity to make real, sustained change. Resources are needed immediately to complete the online information hub – our goal is to launch on Mother’s Day 2019. Then we need support to add the interactivity for impact and awareness for access. We want to convene groups of women to develop 4th Trimester Seals of Approval – for clinics, hospitals, communities, and businesses. And we want to work with community groups across the nation to activate on key issues to make lives better for new families. We are seeking to reach every expectant and new mother in America, to provide families with information and resource to realize their health goals. The approach is in layers, which are co-dependent and require support.
To make a tax-deductible donation, click below. Under “Gift Information” > “Top Funds,” be sure to select “Fourth Trimester Project (491911)” from the dropdown.
We are very appreciative to the Global Health Foundation for kick-starting our work with our first 4th Trimester gift. We hope that you will join them and be part of this change! To offer a tax-deductible contribution, please contact Dr. Sarah Verbiest.
There are 4,000,000 new mothers each year in the U.S. — with a universal story: one that deserves to be lifted, and for many, rewritten. The needs are clear. Help us change the way America treats new mothers, for new families this year and for generations to come. Click below to read the impact and business case.