Cultural Sensitivity and Humility in Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Racism-Related Distress with Enrique Neblett, Ph.D.

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Much of the power of psychotherapy comes from helping people let go of distorted and ineffective thinking in favor of a more effective and balanced approach. However, when we pathologize cognitions, this can be perceived as invalidating. Focusing on “cognitions” can be especially problematic when individuals live in oppressive environments that reinforce their beliefs. In […]

Nuts and Bolts: Strategies & Tools for Organizing in North Carolina

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Come to learn different tactics to advocate for social change from a panel of North Carolina organizers and activists. Public and open to all, no need to register.

Compulsory Identity, Rape Culture, and Violence Against LGBTQ+ People: What the Evidence Tells Us and Where It’s Lacking

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

JP Przewoznik, MSW - Director of Prevention & Evaluation, North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA) JP will share what is currently known about the casual factors of sexual violence against LGBTQ+ people, including a proposed theoretical model for why violence perpetration may be more likely to occur. JP will discuss the field of SV […]

Whose Streets? Ferguson to Chapel Hill

The Varsity 123 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Come view “Whose Streets?,” a powerful documentary from the Sundance Film Festival about the Ferguson uprising and the new wave of resistance. Following the viewing, there will be a moderated panel discussion, featuring: Cristina Becker: Criminal Justice Debt Fellow for ACLU of NC Angaza Laughinghouse: Staff Attorney, Southern Coalition for Social Justice Chris Blue: Chapel […]


Club Nova Tour

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Before, During, and After the Interview

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

In this session, Jacquelyn Gist, Assistant Director of Career Services, and a panel of recent graduates will go over interviewing experiences, share tips and respond to questions about the interview process.

How Emotions are Made

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

In this presentation, Lisa Feldman Barrett will describe her cutting-edge research on how emotions are constructed in the moment by core systems that interact across the whole brain, rather than being fixed, universal categories. She will also elaborate on the significant implications for psychotherapeutic work, and explain how and why psychotherapy can help transform people’s […]

Film Screening: Paper Tigers

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

This documentary examines how an alternative high school in a rural community works with youth struggling with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The film explores what it means to be a trauma-informed school. We won’t have time for a panel discussion, but Ginny Strand will provide a brief introduction to the topic of trauma-informed systems and […]


The Relevance of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to Trauma Work

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Individuals who have experienced trauma, particularly complex trauma, often present with a wide range of difficulties that do not fit neatly into standard or uniform case formulations. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) offers an effective transdiagnostic treatment for the sequelae of trauma, that can include dysregulation of emotions, cognitions, behavior, interpersonal and self. The power of […]


The Ethics of Cultural Humility

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

In this workshop, Tonya Armstrong will engage participants in the process of seeking clarity around our own cultural identities, as well as explore how this work is central to ethical practice with individuals with intersecting racial, ethnic, sexual, and other cultural affiliations. Dr. Armstrong will provide a framework informed by professional codes of ethics, and […]

NASW-NC Sponsored Resume Review

UNC School of Social Work Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building - 325 Pittsboro St #3550, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

NASW-NC Associate Executive Director Valerie Arendt will be conducting individual social work resume reviews for MSW students. Valerie has extensive experience with hiring employees and reviews hundreds of member resumes every year. More information regarding sign in times will be sent closer to the date!

Why Black Lives Don’t Matter: Rethinking the Origins of the USA

Gillings School of Global Public Health 135 Dauer Drive, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Yes, this year's lecture has a provocative title -- "Why Black Lives Don't Matter: Rethinking the Origins of the USA." It is based upon the extensive and meticulous research of our lecturer for 2018, Gerald C. Horne. The lecturer this year is a brilliant and prize-winning scholar who can and will deliver one of our […]

39th Annual Minority Health Conference: Reclaiming the Narrative

William and Ida Friday Center, Chapel Hill 100 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

This year’s theme, Reclaiming the Narrative, is based in the recognition that the world is organized by the stories we tell. Stories have the power to influence the way we view ourselves and others and have the power to shape our actions. Given this sometimes unacknowledged influence, we must ask who are the storytellers, and […]